Spring Laundry

Iron, washing board and "škaf"

Back in the day, the time preceding Easter was reserved for a big spring laundry session. The laundry was first soaked in large wooden tubs and pails (locally called "warnce" and "škafi") and then scrubbed and boiled in large pig-fodder-cooking cauldrons for days at a time. Lye soap was used to remove obstinate stains and ashes were used for bleaching white garments and bed linen. The soaked and washed laundry was then rinsed in clear water from wells, or next to the beds of nearby watercourses. Large pieces of laundry, especially bed linen, were then spread out on nearby bushes to dry.

Washboards and flat irons (locally called "periunki" and "piglajzni") were two of the indispensible items when it came to the big spring wash. While flat irons can nowadays still be found as decorative items in many a house, washboards are more of a rarity. They were simple in design, most often made of wood and therefore less sturdy and not as interesting for long-time storage.

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Opening time
Tolmin museum, permanent exhibition

Tuesday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday,
Holiday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday closed
Closed also Nov 1, Dec 24, 25, 26, 30 and 31, Jan 1, 2 and Saturdays, Sundays in January and Febuary, except February 8
Entrance fee
Tolmin museum, permanent exhibition

adults 5 €
children, students, seniors 4 €
preschool children free
families with chidren up to 15 years 10 €
disabled person
and personal assistant free

adults 6 €
children, students, seniors 5 €
disabled persons 30 % discount

Tolmin museum, temporary exhibition

individual free
guided group (10 or more people) 3 €
disabled persons: 30 % discount

European disability card