Bosnian fez
Half of the 10,000-strong Austro-Hungarian 93rd Infantry Division, which participated on the Isonzo Front in the First World War and defended the Krn and Rombon mountains, was represented by Bosnian soldiers. Around a thousand of them died in the Soča Region. They stayed in the Bovec Region from April 1916 to October 1917; during this time, they built a mosque in Log pod Mangartom, which remained until 1920.
400 Bosnian soldiers who gave their lives in defence of Rombon are now buried in the well‑maintained military cemetery in Log. Bosnians were considered extremely brave and self‑sacrificing soldiers, who filled their comrades and opponents with awe. They wore a distinctive red cap called a “fez”, which distinguished them from other Austro-Hungarian soldiers.
This fez, which was found in the area of the former battlefield after the war ended, has been kept in the Tolmin Museum since 1971.
Tuesday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday,
Holiday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday closed
Closed also Nov 1, Dec 24, 25, 26, 30 and 31, Jan 1, 2 and Saturdays, Sundays in January and Febuary
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children, students, seniors 4 €
preschool children free
families with chidren up to 15 years 10 €
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and personal assistant free
adults 6 €
children, students, seniors 5 €
disabled persons 30 % discount
Tolmin museum, temporary exhibition
individual free
guided group (10 or more people) 3 €
disabled persons: 30 % discount