Greek Owl Skyphos

The Attic Owl Skyphos

In addition to local finds, several imported ones were discovered at the Iron Age sites in the Soča Region. Because it is exceptionally well preserved, and due to its aesthetic value, one of the most important of these imported finds is a cup called the owl skyphos. Made using the Greek red-figure technique, it depicts an owl between two olive branches. In Greek mythology, the owl is a patron both of cemeteries and of the city of Athens, as well as the sacred bird of the goddess Athena.

Aside from the motif, the main feature of such vessels is a combination of horizontal and vertical handles. The depiction of the olive tree is also of great symbolic importance. This tree, which in ancient Greece was also dedicated to the goddess Athena, symbolises peace, reconciliation, purification, fertility or victory. The owl skyphos from Most na Soči, which is part of the archaeological collection of the Tolmin Museum, dates to the end of the 5th century BC. The stylised image of the owl has also become a symbol of the cultural and historical trail "Čez most po modrost", which runs through the town of Most na Soči.

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Opening time
Tolmin museum, permanent exhibition

Tuesday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday,
Holiday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday closed
Closed also Nov 1, Dec 24, 25, 26, 30 and 31, Jan 1, 2 and Saturdays, Sundays in January and Febuary, except February 8
Entrance fee
Tolmin museum, permanent exhibition

adults 5 €
children, students, seniors 4 €
preschool children free
families with chidren up to 15 years 10 €
disabled person
and personal assistant free

adults 6 €
children, students, seniors 5 €
disabled persons 30 % discount

Tolmin museum, temporary exhibition

individual free
guided group (10 or more people) 3 €
disabled persons: 30 % discount

European disability card