The Podbrdo Railway Station

The train enters the Podbrdo railway station immediately after the Bohinj Tunnel. The complex of tracks and buildings is located on a magnificent embankment that was built with the material excavated from the tunnel. Initially the station had only one large building, but during the First World War an additional building was built for military use and, after determining the new Italian-Yugoslav border, several buildings were built one after another. The Podbrdo station, renamed Piedicolle, became a border transfer station. In addition to the central buildings, the Italians built new buildings for customs officers and border guards on the platform, as well as an engine turning area before the tunnel.

After the Second World War, the locals that started working for the railway moved into the vacated buildings. In 1953, the redundant engine turning area was initially converted into a swimming pool, which was later filled in. Today a basketball court and playground stand here.
